Abigail Ahern for Debenhams: new SS15 collection
I am just going put the cringe-inducing groupie thing out there before I even start so it's out of the way and we can all move on and get on with the topic of today's post. Abigail Ahern is one of my all time design heroes... I wish I could pretend to be all cool about it but what's the point?! She's the biggest girl crush I have ever had, I think. I absolutely adore her work, and I know it sounds quite tragic but attending her design masterclass two years ago (I spent a whole day, IN HER HOUSE!) while I was expecting Stella was the main catalyst in my career U-turn. She inspired me so much, I decided to finally take the plunge and get into interior styling. Her passion for colourful and quirky interiors is infectious, her 'let's rip up the interiors rule book' attitude to decorating is beyond inspiring and her shop in North London has become my Mecca.
A sample of Abigail Ahern's own fabulous and quirky home...
She's the well-needed antidote to beige and white (and that's not an euphemism, her latest book is aptly called Colour: Banish Beige. Boost Colour. Transform Your Home... I already have a signed copy and it's my new bible, obvs!) and her rebellious vision has been a huge influence on my own interior styling (yes most of my house is now painted in dark grey and I own a veritable menagerie... including the infamous Poodle Lamp [insert a big 'speak-no-evil monkey' emoji here].
Abigail Ahern's Poodle lamp taking prime spot in Stella + the Stars' own home...
Then, just when I thought she couldn't get any cooler, two years ago she launched a fabulous (and more importantly AFFORDABLE) range in collaboration with Debenhams, making her signature style accessible to the masses. So that anyone, even those with a fairly small budget, can get a piece of Abigail Ahern in their own home.
Last week she launched her new Debenhams/Edition Spring-Summer 2015 collection and boy, it didn't disappoint. This is how the designer herself describes the new collection: 'When I was designing the collection I wanted to keep some of the exotic traveller vibe from our own-label collection, but with a bright, fun twist. Colours are super saturated – think hot pinks, burnt oranges, teal, desert yellow and turquoise.' I don't know about you, she had me at hello...
If you're not ready to dive straight into her 'inky, swampy, bottom-of-the-lake hues, easy-on-the eye neutrals and intoxicating brights' world, then those affordable accessories are a great way to introduce colour into your home decor without taking a massive risk.
The new collection has lots of her signature flocked animals (I can't get enough of them, I am so ready for the Toucan lamp, I just need to find a spot for it at home...) but she's really gone all out on the bright coloured cushions; there are pompoms galore, poodles, and a lot of velvet. The dream! My top favourite items are below, all available at www.debenhams.com. See you at the Debenhams online checkout...